Searching for County Supervisor Candidates

Searching for County Supervisor Candidates

Searching for Candidates that Represent & Respect the People of San Bernardino County’s Vote


Before the passing  of Measure K during the 2020 Presidential Election, our County Supervisors were making $250,000 per year in compensation. Fortunately, for the hard working taxpayers of San Bernardino County, Measure K reduced each supervisors pay to $60,000 per year in compensation. If writing and submitting a petition initiative, collecting 70,000 signatures to get the measure on the ballot, and campaigning against the County and their infinite resources, sounds easy, that’s nothing compared to actually getting your Measure approved and then being sued by the County of San Bernardino.

Yes, the County Board of supervisors are suing because the hardworking taxpayers voted and passed Measure K, thus cutting their pay to $60,000. Also, until this legal nonsense is over, the supervisors are continuing to pay themselves $250,000 per year even though 66% of the voters voted to pay them $60,000. Thats theft, and they are each stealing $190,000 from the citizens of San Bernardino County each year.

Thankfully, we, the Red Brennan Group have a plan. We thought we could submit a petition initiative, collect signatures, campaign and legally create positive change, but the system is too corrupt. We need to replace the people at the head of the corruption machine, THE COUNTY SUPERVISORS themselves. Thus, the Red Brennan Group will run 1 Libertarian, 1 Democrat, and 1 Republican candidate in each election for County Supervisor, until these career politicians are all effectively replaced. Being we are non-partisan or party agnostic group, we are not searching for a party when selecting candidates. We are looking for individuals from our County who have a track record of success, and community work. People who work and live in the County, and have made a living helping others and their community flourish. Each candidate will recuse themselves from meetings or decisions if they happen to have special interests that would effect their decision making. So, we are looking for set of political ethics, not party affiliation and the people of San Bernardino can vote for the candidate that resonates most with their beliefs. However, regardless of which Red Brennan Group candidate is selected by the people of San Bernardino County, each candidate we select is prepared to operate in a Measure K world. You know, the Measure that passed by 66%, and reduces the pay and term limits for the County Supervisors.

What is truly sad is we have to find candidates that will represent and respect the vote of the people in San Bernardino County. It shouldn’t be this way, but the Red Brennan Group is prepared to end the corruption in San Bernardino County at all costs. If you would like to help, or know of a good candidate for your district, please send us a message via our contact page.